Project Outcomes

Educational Resources

The FRONTIERS consortium developed 21 Demonstrators, available in 5 Languages (English, Greek, Portuguese, Italian, French) ready to use in the classroom as well as 20 educational scenarios developed by teachers trained throughout the project’s duration in the fields of: Gravitational Wave Astronomy; Astroparticle Physics; Astrophysics and High Energy Physics. FRONTIERS has developed an e-twinning toolkit, accompanied by a Guide of Good Practices for the introduction of Nobel Prize Physics to the Classroom which is available to everyone.

Training Activites

Overall, FRONTIERS organized more than 15 short term national training events for teachers both face to face and online as well as three large scale international training activities for teachers as well as numerous implementation activities with students. In the framework of the project activities, FRONTIERS pioneered the organization of virtual visits to Large Research Infrastructures in Physics (Virgo, CERN, Pierre Auger Observatory) for teacher training, student education as well as public outreach.


More than 800 teachers from all over Europe as well as Asia and Latin America were engaged in the FRONTIERS activities, while more than 150 teachers participated in the intensive training courses of FRONTIERS, developed their own educational resources and implemented activities with more than 1,500 primary, middle and high school students, while more than 10,000 students were mobilized by the project activities and presence in the media. FRONTIERS maintains a strong presence in the social media: The reach of the dissemination of FRONTIERS activities is higher than 150,000 throughout the years of the project’s online presence to the World Wide Web and includes countries beyond those of the participating project partners.

Future Outlook

The FRONTIERS consortium, true to their mission of introducing Nobel Prize Physics to the Classroom continues its activities beyond the end of the project funding, including the organization of online and face to face teacher training activities, the development of educational resources with and for educators and the expansion of our community, moving from FRONTIERS project to the FRONTIERS Network.

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