FRONTIERS e-Winter School, 29/1-7/2 2021

FRONTIERS, the European initiative for bringing Nobel Prize Physics to the classroom announces its first international e-winter school for teachers!

Throughout this period many things we took for granted have changed. However, what hasn’t changed is our vision to help introduce our young students to the beauty of cutting edge research in Physics. Do you believe that exciting discoveries such as the Discovery of Gravitational Waves or the Discovery of the Higgs Boson can be brought in the classroom in a consistent and understandable fashion? Can you imagine your students performing virtual visits to CERN or VIRGO, analyzing real experimental data and interacting with world leading scientists in the field of Physics? Would you like to become a member of a pan-European community of teachers and researchers aiming to introduce Nobel Prize Physics to Your school? If the answer to the questions above is yes, the FRONTIERS winter school is the place to be!

  • When does the winter school take place?: 
    29 January 2021 to 7 February 2021
  • How can I learn more about the winter school?:
    Learn more about the winter school here

  • What is the agenda of the winter school?:
  • How do I register?:
    Please register here and fill the required accompanying form here
  • Where does the winter school take place?:
    Online (ZOOM)
  • What is the Deadline for registration?:
    The participation deadline is the 20thof January 2021 and the final participants will be announced at the 22nd of January 2021.
  • Spoken language:
  • Who  should participate?
    Secondary science teachers from across the world are welcome to join. Primary school teachers are also encouraged to join. Participation is free of charge. Certificates will be distributed to the participants at the end of the summer school.
  • What are the requirements for participation?: 
    Please see the requirements and preparation materials here
  • Max number of participants: 
    Up to 30 teachers. As the positions are limited, all applications will be subject to evaluation.
  • Will I be able to engage my students throughout the winter school?
    The winter school addresses science teachers. However, three virtual visits to large research infrastructures in Physics will be organized (CERN, EGO-Virgo, Pierre Auger Observatory) which will be open to the public via Youtube and thus accessible to your students as well.
  • Who organizes the FRONTIERS e-Winter School?:
    The e-Winter school is organized by FRONTIERS (, an a EU funded project coordinated by a consortium of European institutions in the field of research in Physics, Science Education Research, and education and outreach networks. The winter school is supported by the European School Innovation Academy ( and REINFORCE project (
  • Who is the contact person for the winter school?
    Dr Giulia Vannoni, University of Paris:

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