The magnetic field and its applications

Link to the demonstrator: in English


Age: 13 – 17

Duration: 3 hours

Equipment: PC with internet connection 



Students are introduced to how a magnetic field is generated by both natural magnets and electromagnets, how the Lorentz force is calculated, what kinds of magnets are available, what superconductivity is etc. The next section describes the various applications of magnets in science and everyday life. The experimentation stage shows how cathode ray tubes work and how the energy/mass ratio of a particle can be determined. A web application is used to show how various particles behave in different magnetic fields depending on their speed, field intensity, orientation etc.



Learning outcomes:

  1. Students learn what a magnetic field is and how It can be generated
  2. They become familiar with its applications and its usefulness in our everyday lives
  3. They learn how to calculated forces, field intensity, e/m ratio etc
  4. They investigate what effect changing the various parameters has on particle trajectories in a magnetic field


Prior knowledge:

  • Fundamental forces
  • Electricity
  • Structure of matter


Concepts introduced:

  • Magnetic field intensity
  • Field lines
  • Accelerators and other applications


Learning intentions:

By the end of this descriptor, students should be able to:

  • They learn what the magnetic field is and how it works
  • How to calculate intensity, force, e/m ratio etc
  • What applications it has in both scientific research and daily use
  • They see how changing the field/particle parameters affects motion inside the field


Key activities:

  1. Information to engage the students
  2. Use of the web application for investigation
  3. Student conclusions and report

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